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Full research report: The characteristics of a High Performance Organization (HPO)

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The characteristics of a High Performance Organization – HPO (Full Research Paper by Andre de Waal)
The content table of this full research report by professor Andre de Waal MBA (download in PDF below: 2 MB)

1. The Age of Extreme Competition – 3
2. The search for the HPO – 7
3. Description of a High Performance Organization- 10
3.1 Definition of a High Performance Organization  – 10
3.2 Value of the HPO – 11
3.3 Difference with other HPO Studies – 13
4. The HPO Framework – 19
4.1 Organizational Design Characteristics – 20
4. 2 Strategy Characteristics – 21
4.3 Process Characteristics – 23
4.4 Technology Characteristics – 26
4.5 Leadership Characteristics – 26
4.6 Individuals & Roles Characteristics – 30
4.7 Culture Characteristics – 32
4.8 External Orientation Characteristics – 33
5. HPO evergreens? – 36
6. Conclusion – 39
Notes – 41
Appendix 1 – Overview of the selected studies – 45
Appendix 2 – Overview of the 290 studies – 64
Appendix 3 – Elements of the 290 studies – 84
Appendix 4 – Detailed a High Performance Organization characteristics – 189
Appendix 4A – Summary of the scores per framework factor – 190
Appendix 4B – Detailed scores per framework factor – 198
Appendix 5 – characteristics before and after 1995 – 248
About the Author (Dr. André de Waal MBA) – 255

Download the full research paper ‘The characteristics of a High Performance Organization’ in PDF (over 2 MB and 200 pages).

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